
Daily attendance and engagement in learning is essential to student success at all grade levels. Colorado law directly connected to attendance focuses on compulsory school attendance, truancy and school finance. Important student attendance definition of rates and terms include:

Colorado Attendance Data by State

Colorado Attendance Data by District

Colorado Attendance Data by School


Chronic Absenteeism Count/Rates and Habitually Truant Counts are suppressed starting in the 2023-2024 school year.

Distinct counts were taken for each level of data, i.e. distinct counts for the state, district and school level. Since distinct counts were taken, there is not necessarily a 1-1 ratio of summing up schools to equal a district count, or summing up district counts to equate state level.

Total Days Attended + Total Days Excused + Total Days Unexcused = Total Days Possible for each student record. There is a 0.5 tolerance for this calculation.

Chronic Absenteeism Rate adjusted from school year 2022-2023, forward, to not include PK students in denominator.

Total Number of Chronic Absenteeism students and Total Number of Habitually Truant (for each category) adjusted from school year 2022-2023, forward, to not include duplicate counts. For example, not count one student twice or more for meeting multiple criteria.

School level data was collected up until the 2018-2019 school year with student level data collection beginning in 2019-2020.