Shot records online texas

More than nine million Texans have already signed up for ImmTrac 2 and it’s easy for your patients to join them. A record of all vaccines can be stored in one secure and convenient place — the ImmTrac2 Texas Immunization Registry

What is the Texas Immunization Registry?

ImmTrac 2 is a free service offered by the Texas Department of State Health and Human Services. It keeps an electronic record of your patient’s shot history in one secure and convenient place. Every time a BCBSTX member gets a vaccine, a record of it is recorded in the registry by signing a one-time consent form.

The registry is voluntary and confidential.

Encourage your patients and legal guardians of patients to enroll children under the age of 18. After an enrolled child turns 18, they can choose to enroll as an adult or no longer participate. Records can be kept until the age of 26.

Your patients can fill out and submit the following forms available in both English and Spanish to declare their preferences or any changes:

While the registry is designed to update and store a person’s vaccine information, individuals can opt-out at any time.

Who can access the registry?

Once enrolled, doctors, nurses and other health care providers can check the registry as needed to see vaccine history. In addition, in certain cases, private and public schools may access the registry to verify vaccine status.

Send reminder notices directly to your patients.

As a registered health care provider, you may send reminders through ImmTrac2 about specific vaccines needed by your patients.

Ready to register?

For Texas Medicaid Provider Quality Improvement, review the following resources ranging from quality measures data to current vaccine schedules: