American express car rental insurance coverage europe

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United States Change Country

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United States Change Country

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United States Change Country

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Business Credit Cards

Personal Checking and Loans

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United States Change Country KEY FEATURES PROTECTION



What the Plan Covers
The $100,000 coverage level with a premium of $24.95 ($15.25 for Florida Residents and $17.95 for California Residents) covers:
• Up to $100,000 of primary damage and theft coverage for the rental car.
• Up to $100,000 of Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) coverage ($250,000 for California Residents).

• Up to $10,000 of AD&D coverage per passenger ($40,000 for Florida Residents and $250,000 for California Residents).
• Up to $15,000 per person of excess coverage for Medical Expenses.
• Up to a maximum of $300,000 combined medical and AD&D coverage per car ($500,000 for California Residents).

• Up to $5,000 per person of excess coverage for personal property, maximum of $10,000 for all. (Up to $15,000 per person, maximum of $25,000 for Florida Residents).
•This product does not include liability coverage.

The $75,000 coverage level with a premium of $19.95 ($15.95 for California Residents) covers:
• Up to $75,000 of primary damage and theft coverage for the rental car.
• Up to $75,000 of Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) coverage. ($150,000 for California Residents).

• Up to $7,500 of AD&D coverage per passenger ($150,000 for California Residents).
• Up to $7,500 per person of excess coverage for Medical Expenses.

• Up to a maximum of $200,000 combined medical and AD&D coverage per car ($350,000 for California Residents).
• Up to $2,500 per person of excess coverage for personal property, maximum of $5,000 for all.
• This product does not include liability coverage.