Academic Records and Registration

A student is matriculated when the student 1) applies to the College, 2) is admitted as a student into a degree program and 3) enrolls in one or more courses. A student’s degree requirements will be determined by the date of admission to the College.

As students work towards completing degree requirements, students are permitted to miss one semester of attendance without losing their matriculation status. If a second consecutive semester is missed, the student loses matriculation status and must then submit a readmission application with the Admissions Office and be formally readmitted to the College. If the first date of matriculation was prior to fall 2015, all students who readmit to the College beginning fall 2015 through summer 2018 will follow the General Education requirements and major requirements as listed in the 2014 -2015 College catalog. All students readmitting as of fall 2018 and after will follow the new Generation Next requirements and major requirements as listed in the college catalog upon readmission to the institution no matter when the student first matriculated to the college.

Students who matriculate prior to the fall 2015 semester must follow the General Education requirements as listed in the catalog prior to fall 2015. If these students change their major after fall 2015, they must follow the General Education and major requirements as listed in the 2014 -2015 College catalog. They do NOT have the option to choose the new Generation Next requirements with associated major requirements.

Part-time non-matriculated students are students who have not been admitted to York College and have been out of high school for more than 2 years. All non-matriculated students must maintain a minimum grade point average of 2.0 after completing 15 credit hours of coursework at YCP in order to be eligible for continued enrollment in courses. All qualified non matriculated students must matriculate prior to completing 24 credit hours of course work. All students must achieve a minimum grade point average of 2.0 to be eligible for matriculation. Some majors may require a higher grade point average. There are many benefits to matriculation, including eligibility to apply for financial aid and the assignment of a faculty advisor from the student’s curriculum.

All students must have matriculated no later than the semester prior to the one in which they plan to graduate. Those students who wish to matriculate should complete the online York College Application for Admissions (

Residency Requirement

The York College of Pennsylvania Residency Requirement Policy requires that the final 30 credit hours of a student’s degree requirements be completed as coursework at the College. Students typically take most of their upper-division courses in the major during this time and it is important that these advanced credit hours be completed at the College. Therefore, no transfer credits or CLEP examinations are accepted in the final 30 credit hours of a student’s coursework.

To complete a minor, a student must complete a minimum of 9 credits of coursework in the minor at the College.

For students majoring in Medical Imaging, all College courses must be completed prior to the start of the clinical year, and students must complete the last 30 credits prior to the start of clinical rotations at the College. During the clinical rotation, financial aid continues to be processed through the College, but tuition is paid to the clinical site.

Course Registration

Each semester, the Schedule of Classes is posted on the York College of Pennsylvania’s website along with a Student Scheduling Timetable well ahead of the actual registration and advising period. Current students register themselves using the YCPWeb online system. Students who schedule classes and pay their tuition bills prior to the Business Office’s payment deadline will be officially registered and on the class rosters.

Both transfer and readmitted students are strongly encouraged to meet with the Associate Registrar for Transfer Articulation to assist with the registration process. New students will be invited to attend a Summer Orientation Program which allows them to register for their fall classes in consultation with an academic advisor.

All newly matriculated students at York College have an “Advisor Hold” placed on their account for their first two semesters of enrollment. This hold prohibits registration for classes until it is released by the academic advisor. The hold is released after the student meets with their advisor to discuss coursework, schedule, and academic progress.

Visiting students who are attending or have been admitted to another institution must provide verification of acceptance or good standing before registering for classes. The Registrar reserves the right to contact the indicated institution to verify enrollment or acceptance.

Course Placement Procedures

Course placement procedures are utilized in writing, mathematics, foreign language, music, and other disciplines to ensure that students have a positive and appropriate learning experience. Initial placement in such courses may be based on high school records, SAT/ACT scores, or college-administered test results. Students who believe that they have been incorrectly placed based on these measures should contact the Department Chair to discuss their concerns. Students whose proficiency in foreign language, music, etc., qualifies them for placement at advanced levels of study may not receive credit for courses below the level in which they have been placed.

Foreign Language Placement Process

If you have studied any French, German, or Spanish with a grade of C or better; speak any of those languages at home; or learned one of those languages during a study abroad experience; it is important that you take a Foreign Language Placement Exam to ensure that you are placed at the appropriate course level giving you the greatest chance of success. Please take the exam as soon as possible even if you do not have immediate plans to enroll in a French, German or Spanish course.

The testing process takes 20 minutes on average but can run shorter or longer. The exam should be taken in one sitting, so please set aside a block of 30 minutes for its completion. For your own benefit, you should not consult materials or other people to help with the exam because you want to make sure you are placed in the appropriate course that best matches your needs and abilities.

You will receive a score and the corresponding language course level placement as soon as you complete the exam. Your score is sent to the Registrar’s Office, your academic advisor and the faculty teaching the language in which you took the exam. This will be your language level regardless of when you take the language at York College. Therefore, it is to your advantage to enroll in language courses before too much time has gone by to keep your knowledge fresh.

Please contact Dr. Mary Boldt at for access and instructions to the online placement exam or if you have any questions, not only about the exam but about foreign language study.

Math Placement Process

York College offers a variety of mathematics courses that are tailored to best prepare you for the quantitative activities you will undertake in your major. The mathematics placement test is designed to help determine, based on your major, the initial mathematics course for which you are best prepared. See the Program of Study section of the catalog for the required math course for your major. You will receive instructions in the mail about how, where and when to access the actual test.

The testing process takes one hour. The exam has two parts, each part is 30 minutes long. If you believe that you could earn a higher score, you make retake either part and the system will record your highest score. You will receive a score and the corresponding mathematics placement, based on your major, for which you are best prepared.

Please contact Dr. David Kaplan at for access and instructions to the online placement exam or if you have any questions, not only about the exam but about mathematics at York College.

Credit Load

Full time students must register for 12 or more credits per semester (fall and/or spring). Part-time students may register for a maximum of 11.5 credits per semester. Full time students will need to carry an average credit load of 15 to 16 credit hours per semester (for most majors) to stay on track for graduation. Students with a 3.0 cumulative GPA may register for up to 21 credit hours per semester upon payment of the appropriate additional fees. Please refer to the Business Office for fee information.

Anyone registered for more than 18 credits as of the last day of DROP/ADD will be billed for those additional credits whether or not the student drops below 18.5 credits at a future time during the semester. Withdrawal from a course will have no bearing on the student’s financial obligation to the College.

Drop/Add Procedure

A student may drop and/or add a course on line anytime during the first week of classes each fall and spring semester. Checking with the academic advisor about a course schedule change is advisable, as is checking course availability through the Registrar’s Office or the online Schedule of Classes. The procedure for dropping or adding a class in person involves completion of a Records and Registrar’s Office Change form and submission of this form to the Registrar’s Office. A course dropped during the first week of class will not show on the official transcript. No extensions are granted beyond the Drop/Add deadline. (See below for Course Withdrawal).

Summer Sessions

Both undergraduate and graduate classes are offered during the summer sessions as follows:

Mini-mester – 3 weeks starting mid-May to early June
Summer I – 5 weeks in early June to early July
Summer II – 5 weeks in mid-July to mid-August
Special Session – 13 weeks starting in mid-May through mid-August
Summer Online - 10 weeks in early June to mid-August

Summer session dates and deadlines can be found on the York College of Pennsylvania’s website at Students may enroll in up to four credits during the Mini-mester and up to a maximum of seven credits during Summer I or Summer II. Regular college services are available to summer students such as parking, library services, on-campus housing, advising and use of the Grumbacher Center facilities.

Independent Study

An Independent Study is a well-defined individual research project supervised by a faculty member and completed without formal class meetings. These studies provide students with the opportunity to gain experience doing research, to work closely with a faculty mentor on a project within their discipline, and to gain academic credit for their work. Since such projects involve less formal teaching than regular courses, effective Independent Study experiences require an increase in student responsibility and initiative in both research and the learning process. The Independent Study guidelines are as follows:

The Independent Study application form – available in the academic department, Academic Advising Office, and Registrar’s Office – should be initially completed by the student. The application must include a comprehensive summary describing the nature, objectives, and evaluation format of the study. The approved completed forms must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office to be entered on the student’s schedule. The Independent Study must be completed during the fall semester, spring semester or Special Session during the summer.


An internship is an educational experience that offers students the opportunity to earn academic credit for experiential learning outside the classroom. Internships are designed to enhance a student’s professional preparation and career opportunities and are available to eligible York College students. To earn academic credit, the internship must be completed with an approved site where the site supervisor, the faculty internship advisor, and the student have all agreed to the structured learning experiences for the course. The learning objectives are developed with the faculty internship advisor who guides the student during the internship. In addition, the student must complete an Internship Application and receive the approvals of the school/department sponsoring the internship and from the Career Development Center prior to beginning the experience. The Internship guidelines are as follows:

Detailed information about Internships for Academic Credit and the application are available through the Career Development Center website. Internship opportunities are posted through Handshake. Students should review the checklist, guidelines and procedures well in advance of applying for the actual internship. A minimum of 120 hours on site/virtual is required within a defined semester to earn three internship credits; students are limited to participation in two different internships for a maximum of six credit hours of Internship in a baccalaureate program.


Regular York College courses may be offered to matriculated students on a tutorial basis when a student needs a specific course for a declared major or minor in order to graduate, and the course is not being offered in the regular course schedule. A tutorial can only be offered if there is a faculty member available to teach the tutorial. Each tutorial course must be completed within the time frame of one semester or summer session. All charges must be paid prior to starting the course. Please note that tutorials may not be taken for courses that have already been completed. In other words, you can not repeat a course with a Tutorial.

Tutorial application forms are available in the Registrar’s Office and Academic Advising Center. The student will need to obtain approvals from the instructor, the Department Chair, the Business Office and the Associate Provost of Student Success by the last day of DROP/ADD during the semester of study. No extensions will be granted.

Advanced Placement (AP)

College credit may be granted to entering students who perform satisfactorily on the College Board Advanced Placement Examinations. The following regulations apply:

  1. College credit will be granted to entering freshmen who earn scores of 3, 4, or 5 on the individual subject tests of the College Board Advanced Placement Examinations.
  2. A course for which advanced placement credit has been granted will be noted on the official transcript.
  3. The maximum number of credits that any one person may earn by advanced placement, CLEP and/or credit by examination is 60 for the baccalaureate degree and 30 for the associate’s degree.
  4. Students cannot receive AP credit and York College credit for the same course. If a student decides to retake a course for which AP credit is granted, the AP credit will be removed from the official transcript.

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

Credit will be granted on CLEP examinations on the basis of the York College of Pennsylvania CLEP Equivalency report available at the Registrar’s Office. To obtain credit the student must score above 50 in each test and meet any other requirements specified on the Equivalency report or by the College. The following regulations apply:

  1. CLEP examinations may not be scheduled within the final 30-credit residency period.
  2. A course for which CLEP credit has been granted will be noted on the official transcript.
  3. The maximum number of credits that any one person may earn by advanced placement, CLEP and/or credit by examination is 60 for the baccalaureate degree and 30 for the associate’s degree.
  4. Students may not receive CLEP credit for a course that has already been taken at York College.

International Baccalaureate (IB)

The Diploma Program for students is a comprehensive and challenging pre-university course of study, leading to examinations that demand the best from motivated students and teachers. It is widely recognized for its high academic standards. York College recognizes the quality of the International Baccalaureate Diploma and awards one course credit in each subject area for higher level examination scores of five or higher.

Life Experience Credit

Students wanting to pursue academic credit for previous life experiences must present a portfolio of experiences in writing to the Provost’s Office. The portfolio will then be forwarded to the appropriate department(s) for review and evaluation. A determination will be made as to whether the life experiences are equivalent to any active York College courses.

Credit by Examination (CBE)

Students may earn course credit by successfully completing an examination that tests mastery of the learning outcomes of a given course. The Credit By Examination guidelines are as follows:

Application for examination should be made in writing to the appropriate Department Chair on forms available in the Registrar’s Office and Academic Advising Office. If the Department Chair approves the application, the Chair will designate the appropriate instructor who will prepare, administer and evaluate the examination that is not normally less than three hours in length. Final approval is needed by the Director of Academic Advising. The student will need to pay the non-refundable examination fee to the Business Office before taking the examination.

Off Campus Study Approval

Current York College students who would like to take coursework at another accredited institution and transfer the credits back to York College must complete the Off-Campus Study Approval form, which is available on the Registrar’s Office webpage or by contacting To complete the form, students consult with their academic advisor and obtain approval from the Registrar’s Office. If a student is seeking General Education distinction for a course, approval from the Director of General Education is needed as well.

Students are encouraged to review York College’s Transfer Policy (College Catalog > Academic Records and Registration > Transfer Credit Policies) to ensure a smooth and efficient process for transferring credits from other accredited institutions. To receive transfer credit, a student must receive a grade of “C” (2.0 on a 4.0 scale) or higher in the course(s). Credit hours for these courses may be transferred, but grades and quality points will not transfer. Students may not repeat a course off-campus that has already been completed at York College and are reminded that the last 30 credit hours of their program of study must be completed as coursework at York College. Therefore, when considering coursework at another institution, it is advisable to consult closely with an advisor.

It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the college or university listed on the approval form sends an official transcript to York College once grades are available.

Transfer Credit Policies

In accordance with AACRAO (American Association of Collegiate Registrar and Admissions Officers) guidelines, transfer credits will be awarded as they are comparable and appropriate to the academic programs and general education requirements of York College (YCP). Credits may vary in how they are applied to satisfy degree requirements. YCP reviews courses for transfer credit for all modes of delivery from all nationally and regionally accredited institutions.

Transfer credit is posted from official transcript(s) only. Official college transcripts may be received from a YCP approved electronic transcript delivery service or in a sealed envelope from the issuing institution addressed to YCP. Accepted electronic delivery services include: NSC, ET, Parchment, E-Script, and select international transcript assessment agencies for the evaluation of credentials from all foreign universities. Transfer credit may also be posted from official test scores received electronically or mailed directly from CollegeBoard, ETS, or ACT. YCP requires an official copy of the Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), Cambridge A- Level Exams and/or CLEP score reports in order to evaluate, even if the credits are listed on another college’s transcript.

Transfer credit is posted for students who have matriculated to the college. We cannot award transfer credit after degree completion or if a student is no longer matriculated with the college.

Veterans who submit a Joint Services Transcript (JST) will receive credit for General Education Foundations: American Citizenship unless a designated course is required by the major. Veterans who submit a JST and documentation of deployed will receive credit for General Education Foundations: Global Citizenship unless a designated course is required by the major.

Applicants may be asked to submit catalog descriptions, course outlines, or other materials in order to be awarded the correct course equivalencies.

Anatomy and Physiology courses will be reviewed on an individual basis for eligibility to be transferred into YCP following the transfer credit policy and must also meet the following criteria. Courses must have been completed within the previous 5 years. Both Anatomy and Physiology I and II must be completed at the same institution. If both courses were not completed at the same institution or students are only eligible to transfer to Anatomy and Physiology I, a BIO 200-level elective will be articulated.

Courses transferring as electives (1XX, 2XX, 3XX, 4XX) may be applied as specific courses. Please see the appropriate academic department for further information if you believe that these elective courses are equivalent to a YCP course.

The following courses will not transfer:

Students cannot receive transfer credit for a course that has already been taken at YCP.

YCP awards credit but not quality points for transfer work. Transfer grades are not computed into the cumulative grade point average.

Up to 90 credits will be accepted from accredited institutions, with a maximum of 75 credits allowable from all two-year institutions.

Students must meet all residency requirements. This includes completing the last 30 credit hours in residence at YCP to be eligible for a degree and at least 9 credits to be awarded a minor at the time of degree conferral.

Students who transfer in 30 credits or more at the time of admission to the college will be waived from the First Year Seminar requirement. The waiver applies to the requirement for graduation but does not waive the credits to graduate: students need to meet the overall degree credit requirement. Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), Cambridge A- Level Exams, CLEP score reports, and Dual Enrollment credit does not count toward the FYS waiver. Veterans must take FYS100.

Students who transfer in 60 credits or more at the time of admission to the college will be waived from the Constellation requirement, except Education majors. The waiver applies to the requirement for graduation but does not waive the credits to graduate; students need to meet the overall bachelor’s degree credit requirement.

YCP offers a review of eligibility for a comprehensive general education waiver for transfer students with an associate’s degree from a nationally or regionally accredited institution. Students will need to consult the program advisor and course catalog regarding coursework and GPA requirements for specific majors and all programs leading to licensure/certification as some of these requirements are covered in general education courses. This applies to all Education students and students in programs requiring general education courses as part of the major requirements. The waiver applies to the requirement for graduation but does not waive the credits to graduate: students need to meet the overall bachelor’s degree credit requirement.

Readmitted Students

Readmitted Students who have less than 15 credits at time of readmit, not including AP or dual enrollment credit, are required to complete a First Year Seminar, and its co-requisite Common Hour. Readmitted Students with 30 credits or more of YCP and/or transfer credit (AP and dual enrollment credit do not apply) at time of readmit are not required to take a First Year Seminar. Readmitted Students who have 60 YCP and/or transfer credits total upon time of readmit are not required to complete a Constellation. The requirement, not the credits, are waived.

Readmitted students that have earned an associate’s degree or bachelor’s degree from another institution while away from YCP may qualify for the comprehensive general education waiver, subject to major declaration at the time of matriculation.

For the waiver, readmitted students may use the transferred credits taken at another institution while they were absent from York College, except Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), and Dual Enrollment credit (taken before their matriculation).

Readmitted Students who completed FYS while attending YCP and did not meet the minimum grade required will not receive the waiver. Those students will need to schedule a meeting with the Director of General Education.

A-Level Cambridge Assessment

Students who obtain a grade of a “C” or higher on the Cambridge Assessment British System Advanced level (“A-level”) exam may be eligible to receive credit towards their YCP degree. No credits are awarded for AS, AO or O level exams.

The maximum number of credits that any one person may earn by A-Level exam, advanced placement, CLEP and/or credit by examination is 60 for the baccalaureate degree and 30 for the associate’s degree.

Students cannot receive A-Level credit and York College credit for the same course. If a student decides to retake a course for which A-Level credit is granted, the A-Level credit must be requested to be removed from the official transcript.

Student Records

The Registrar’s Office maintains the integrity and validity of the student record. In doing so, the office processes course withdrawals, transcript requests, enrollment verifications, degree conferral, major/minor changes, grade changes, and student record changes.

Students are able to order transcripts through the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) by going to their website and selecting ‘York College of Pennsylvania’ from the drop-down menu. There are fees for the transcript, transmission, and processing. Matriculated students are able to access and print their unofficial transcript through YCPWeb.

Course Withdrawal

The course withdrawal window opens after the add/drop period. The last day to withdraw from a course in any part of term can be found on the Academic Calendar listed at It is different from dropping a course in that there are financial obligations and a record of the course attempt on the academic transcript.

Failure to attend class or merely giving notice to the course instructor is not considered an official withdrawal. No extensions are granted beyond the withdrawal deadline. Once the semester ends, the course withdrawal will appear on the permanent transcript as “W.” Withdrawing from courses may affect a student’s graduation timeline. Students who withdraw from courses remain responsible for all financial obligations. The refund table in the Financial Information section of the Catalog provides more information.

Students will not be able to withdraw from a course through YCPWeb. To withdraw from a course, students must follow the instructions below:

  1. Log into the Spartan Success Network (SSN) via MyYCP, open the navigation menu, and select “Raise Your Hand.” Choose “I’m Thinking about Withdrawing from a Course” from the “Type of help needed” drop-down menu and select the associated class(es). Once submitted, a notification will be sent to the student’s network.
  2. Once the student discusses the impact of withdrawing from a course with their instructor and academic advisor, they will comment on the student’s “I’m Thinking about Withdrawing from a Course” flag in SSN.
  3. The Registrar’s Office will email the student the Course Withdrawal Form. The student must submit the form in order to finalize their course withdrawal.
  4. Once the form has been completed, the Registrar’s Office staff will process the course withdrawal.

Withdrawal from the College

During the Semester

If a student must withdraw from the College, they must contact the office of the Dean of Student Development and Campus Life to complete a withdrawal from all courses. As part of this official withdrawal from the College the student will receive a “W” for all registered classes for the semester. When a student ceases attending classes without completing the formal withdrawal process they will receive a “0” grade in all registered courses and the student remains responsible for all financial obligations. A student who withdraws after the ‘refund period’, or is suspended, dismissed, or expelled, receives no refund. Students who withdraw from the College, but plan to return must apply for readmission through the Admissions Office.

Withdrawals related to health issues or special circumstances shall be evaluated by the Office of Student Development and Campus Life. This situation requires a special appeal process which includes the student providing official documentation about the situation and initiating the process before the last day of classes of that semester.

Between Semesters

Students who plan to leave the College after a semester is over must be in contact with their academic advisor to complete the Withdrawal/Leave of Absence Form and Exit Survey. A withdrawal from the College is processed when the student intends to be away from the College for more than one semester or intends to not return to the College. A Leave of Absence from the College is processed when the student plans to be away from the College for only one semester. Students who withdraw or take a leave of absence for two or more consecutive semesters must apply for readmission through the Admissions Office if they decide to return to the College.

Retroactive Withdrawal

Students who have completed a semester and have special circumstances that resulted in unsatisfactory performance during the semester may request a retroactive withdrawal. Retroactive withdrawals are applicable for the most recently completed term. Students have 180 days from the last date of the semester to request a retroactive withdrawal. Students who believe a retroactive withdrawal is warranted should be in contact with the Office of the Dean of Student Development and Campus Life with written documentation that supports the retroactive withdrawal (including but not limited to: doctor’s notes, attendance, etc). If the Office of the Dean of Student Development and Campus Life determines the retroactive withdrawal is appropriate, they will notify the Business Office, Financial Aid, and the Registrar’s Office to adjust the student’s record accordingly. The student will be notified via email of the decision.

Special Types of Withdrawals

Medical Withdrawal

Withdrawals related to health, wellness, or special circumstances should be directed to the Dean of Student Development and Campus Life. These withdrawals require a special appeal process which includes the student providing official documentation about the situation associated with their request. Withdrawals relating to health issues or special circumstances are required to be initiated prior to the last day of classes in the current semester.

Military Withdrawal

Students called to active duty during a semester should present a copy of their military orders to the School Certifying Official (SCO) in the Registrar’s Office. If timing does not permit a student to complete the required forms and present their military orders prior to leaving campus, the student may withdraw by sending a personally signed written request for a military withdrawal. A copy of their military orders must accompany the request.

Disciplinary Withdrawal

Students who are suspended, expelled, and/or dismissed from the institution through the student conduct process will receive a grade of ‘W’ for all current term coursework on their transcript. If they are registered in a future semester, they will be dropped from the courses in the future semester. The dropped courses will not appear on their transcript. At the end of the period of suspension, the student is eligible to reapply through the Admissions Office, but must first request a conduct review with the Dean of Student Development and Campus Life. After this review, a decision will be made whether or not the student is eligible to return to the College.

Involuntary Withdrawal

The College may involuntarily withdraw a student from their semester courses. Examples include, but are not limited to:

The Office of Student Development and Campus Life, in consultation with appropriate medical, psychological, or academic services, may administratively withdraw a student from their courses, change the residential status of a student, and/or place conditions on the student’s current and/or continued enrollment. During this process, the following factors may be considered:

Under certain circumstances, after making the decision to administratively withdraw the student, Student Development and Campus Life may mandate that the student undergo a psychological or medical assessment to assist in evaluating the student’s ability to participate successfully in college life. Lastly, the involuntary withdrawal process will typically be enacted after students have been counseled on a voluntary withdrawal from the College.

The decision regarding involuntary withdrawal and the rationale will be shared in writing to the student. The written notification will include the duration of separation from the College and outline the conditions under which the student may seek to return. Conditions will include completing a readmission application located on the Admissions website.

A student may appeal the involuntary withdrawal decision in writing and provide supporting documentation. The appeal must be submitted within 2 business days of the original decision, to the Dean of Student Development and Campus Life, whose decision is the final decision of the College.

Students who are involuntarily withdrawn from the College are not automatically eligible to receive any type of financial refund, reimbursement, or credit. Students who are involuntarily withdrawn will receive ‘W’ grades for the semester. ‘W’ grades denote that the student has been withdrawn from the course and it does not negatively impact the cumulative GPA for a student.

Lastly, nothing in this policy is intended to amend or replace the Student Code of Conduct, the Sexual Misconduct Policy and Grievance Procedure, or any other College policy regarding student conduct or academic discipline.


Students are required to complete a Graduation Application during the final semester on campus in order to be eligible for degree conferral. The application can be found on YCPWeb and contains a graduation fee. Students are required to pay the graduation fee whether they participate in Commencement or not. Late applications for conferral result in an additional late fee, run the risk of being unable to participate in Commencement, and will have a delay in receiving their diploma. The deadline for graduation applications is published each semester. The fees for the graduation application can be found under the Business Office Tuition and Fees section of the catalog.

Students who have applied for conferral but have not completed their final degree requirements will be notified via email of their inability to graduate. Once they have registered for the last requirement, the students must submit a Graduation Application Reactivation form to apply for the upcoming conferral. There is no additional fee for the student to reactivate their Graduation Application.

York College of Pennsylvania confers degrees in May, August, and December. Students who apply for May conferral must have all of their degree requirements completed by the end of Mini-Mester. May conferrals who are registered in the Mini-mester are limited to one (1) academic course for a maximum of four (4) credits. Students who apply for August conferral must have all of their degree requirements completed before the end of the Summer term. Students who apply for December conferral must have all of their degree requirements completed before the end of the Fall term.

York College holds Commencement in May and in December. May conferral applicants are able to participate in May Commencement. August conferral applicants are able to participate in either May or December Commencement. December conferral applicants are able to participate in December Commencement. Graduation regalia is purchased directly from the Spartan Store.

Awarding Degrees

York College awards only one degree in a given semester. Students who have dual or double majors receive a degree based on their primary major program. Students who are stacking credentials (i.e., receiving an associate degree and a baccalaureate degree) cannot receive both degrees in the same semester. Students may receive one associate degree and one baccalaureate degree in that order from York College.

Awarding Second Degrees

Students awarded an associate or baccalaureate degree from another accredited institution may pursue courses at York College leading toward a second degree (either associate or baccalaureate) provided the following conditions are met:

  1. The candidate has applied for and been accepted for admission to York College.
  2. The candidate must meet the departmental requirements established for the major as published in the College Catalog. The Department Chair will review the student’s academic record and indicate the additional courses that will be necessary to complete the degree requirements.
  3. The candidate must complete a minimum of the last 30 semester hours of the major at York College.

Awarding of an Additional Major in a later term

A student awarded a baccalaureate degree from York College may not receive a second degree from the College, but may elect to pursue courses leading toward a second baccalaureate-level major provided the following conditions are met:

  1. The student must submit an additional application for admission to the Admissions Office and formally matriculate in the new major.
  2. The candidate must meet the departmental requirements listed in the College Catalog. The Department Chair will review the student’s records and indicate any additional courses that will be required to complete the student’s major requirements.
  3. The student must complete the Application for Additional Major available in the Records Office at the beginning of the semester in which the major will be completed. The additional major note will be posted on the transcript at the same time as degree notes are posted. An additional diploma WILL NOT be issued.
  4. Students who complete a second major in a discipline associated with a new degree designation may request that the degree designation for their program be revised to reflect the second major. Thus, a student whose original York College degree was a B.A. may request that their degree designation be changed to a B.S. upon completion of a second major in a discipline for which the B.S. degree is granted, or vice versa.

Graduation Honors

Students are eligible for graduation honors based upon their York College record. Transfer students may be eligible for graduation honors after a minimum of 45 credit hours of academic work are completed at York College. Graduation honors will be awarded on the basis of the cumulative GPA at York College. Graduation honors recognized by York College are:

Because the fall and spring Commencement ceremonies occur before all of a student’s final semester grades have been tabulated, graduation honors published at Commencement will be based on the student’s cumulative GPA prior to their final semester of coursework. However, the graduation honors noted on the student’s official transcript will be based on the student’s final cumulative GPA.


Students receive one (1) diploma per degree level from York College. Students who would like to order additional copies will have to pay an additional fee per copy. Students have the option of either having the diploma mailed to their legal home address or picking it up. Students who have tuition holds on their account will not receive their diploma until their hold has been resolved.


York College is proud to support veterans pursuing higher education and we participate in the Yellow Ribbon Program, GI Bill Enrollment Certifications, and through tuition assistance (TA) channels like Army IgnitEd, AIPortal, and MyCAA. The Records Office certifies the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) education benefits, belongs to the Association of Veterans Education Certifying Officials (AVECO), participates in the Military Friendly Survey, and holds representation in the Military and Veterans Advocacy Committee (MVAC).

York College is committed to our Veterans successful transition into higher education. Joint Services Transcripts and other forms of military transcripts are evaluated for the possibility of awarding of credits for military experience following our transfer policy. Veteran and Servicemember students receive priority registration, and have access to the on-campus Veterans’ Lounge. We recommend all veteran students to meet with their academic advisor on a regular basis to assist with a successful academic career.

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education.

FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children’s education records. These rights transfer to the student when he or she reaches the age of 18 or attends a school beyond the high school level. Students to whom the rights have transferred are “eligible students.”

Parents or eligible students have the right to inspect and review the student’s education records maintained by the school. Schools are not required to provide copies of records unless, for reasons such as great distance, it is impossible for parents or eligible students to review the records. Schools may charge a fee for copies.

Parents or eligible students have the right to request that a school correct records which they believe to be inaccurate or misleading. If the school decides not to amend the record, the parent or eligible student then has the right to a formal hearing. After the hearing, if the school still decides not to amend the record, the parent or eligible student has the right to place a statement with the record setting forth his or her view about the contested information.

Generally, schools must have written permission from the parent or eligible student in order to release any information from a student’s education record. However, FERPA allows schools to disclose those records, without consent, to the following parties or under the following conditions (34 CFR § 99.31):

Schools may disclose, without consent, “directory” information such as a student’s name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, honors and awards, and dates of attendance. However, schools must tell parents and eligible students about directory information and allow parents and eligible students a reasonable amount of time to request that the school not disclose directory information about them. Schools must notify parents and eligible students annually of their rights under FERPA. The actual means of notification (special letter, inclusion in a PTA bulletin, student handbook, or newspaper article) is left to the discretion of each school.

Students may complete the Student Information Release (FERPA) Authorization form to permit York College to disclose information to a third party like a parent and/or guardian. The authorization does not allow that individual to make changes to the student’s record.

Notification of Student Records and College Matters

While federal law restricts the information we can share, we recognize the important role parents and families play in supporting their student’s education. Our mission is to encourage students to become careful, critical and independent thinkers and decision makers. And, like parents and families, we want to guide students toward good decisions. Ultimately, our primary relationship lies directly with the student, as they are responsible for their education, their choices, and for meeting their own graduation requirements.

So that we can be effective partners in guiding the student’s academic journey, York College encourages students to openly and candidly discuss their educational experiences with parents and families. Only with such open, honest dialog can parents and families fully support their student and help guide them to appropriate resources. While York College will not notify parents or legal guardians of student grades, academic actions, and financial matters or conduct violations: students are encouraged to disclose such issues in a timely manner. Students may opt to issue on-line proxy access to their educational and financial records.

Proxy Access to On-line Records

While FERPA provides students privacy about their academic record, students may enable their parents to have access to some information using the Parent Proxy. Students must initiate the creation of a Parent Proxy account for their parent/guardian using the parent’s email address and determining a PIN. Once the account is enabled, the designee may have access to grades, eBills, and/or financial aid letters. The student determines and controls the information is available to the designee.

Directory Information

Directory information is distributed without prior consent of the student. Directory information is defined as a student’s name, address, email address, telephone number, date of birth, major field of study, dates of attendance, class year and degree, and awards received. However, students who do not wish such information to be released or made public may inform the Registrar’s Office.

The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by York College of Pennsylvania to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the office that administers FERPA is:

U.S. Department of Education
Student Privacy Policy Office
400 Maryland Ave, SW
Washington, DC 20202-8520