Lawn Care Calendar for Cool-Season Grass


Cool-season grass grows best during the colder temperatures of spring and fall, so your lawn care is most intense during those seasons. Summer lawn care mostly involves irrigation and mowing — if it doesn’t go dormant.

You can check out this infographic to find out what lawn care tasks you need to do to maintain your cool-season grass.

Lawn Care Calendar for Cool-Season Grass

Let’s get into the specifics of warm-season lawn care for each season:

Popular cool-season grasses include fine fescues (chewings fescue, hard fescue, sheep fescue, and creeping red fescues), Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, tall fescue, and bentgrasses (colonial and creeping). If you don’t grow these grasses, check our warm-season lawn care calendar instead.

Spring cool-season lawn care: March, April, May

Late spring

Cool-season grasses start growing faster once temperatures hit 50 degrees Fahrenheit and above, reaching their peak growth season at 65 to 75 degrees.

Here are the lawn care tasks you have to do in the spring:

The timing of your lawn care duties will depend on where you live:

You can read our article about spring lawn care to learn more: “Tips for Spring Lawn Care”. If you live in the Northeast, check out this lawn care guide tailored to your region: “Spring Lawn Care Tips for the Northeast”.

Do you want a headstart with your lawn care this spring? Try connecting with a local lawn care pro on Lawn Love to help.

Avoid foot traffic

Many homeowners with cool-season lawns will see snow up to early spring. If your lawn is still snowy, don’t walk on it if you can avoid it.

Nicole Stoner, an extension educator with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Gage County Extension, says that grass can’t recover from foot traffic damage when it’s frozen because it’s dormant. “If you walk on frozen turf, you may notice footprints through the lawn when the lawn starts to green back up in the spring,” she says.

You also should avoid stepping on your lawn as the snow melts. Stoner also says that walking on even partially frozen soil can lead to soil compaction.

Clean up the yard

A clean yard is a healthier yard. If your lawn still has snow, but it’s scattered around, then spread the snow evenly. It will help it melt faster. An unevenly moist lawn can result in snow molds.

Once the snow has all melted, bring out your rake or leaf blower to remove fallen leaves and debris on your lawn. These can smother or injure your lawn.

Buy lawn care supplies

Early in the spring season, you should buy your lawn care supplies such as fertilizer, herbicides, soil amendments, and pesticides. Buying early means you won’t be caught off-guard when you need to use them on your cool-season lawn.

Maintain the mower and lawn care equipment

The best time to check your lawn mower and other equipment is before you use them. So, do maintenance and check for issues in early spring. Here’s what you need to do:

Here are some guides to help you with lawn equipment maintenance:

Check your irrigation system

Once you’re sure that the last hard freeze of the season has come and gone, it’s time to de-winterize your sprinkler system. Take this time to check your irrigation system for issues.

You can learn more about sprinkler system maintenance in these articles:

When should I start watering my grass regularly again? Irrigate your lawn regularly after all the snow has melted to prevent overwatering. Aim for 1 inch of water per week over two to three watering sessions. You can learn more about how long to water your lawn in this guide: “When and How to Water Your Lawn”.

Test and amend the soil

Nutrients soil meter. Measure soil for nitrogen content with digital device.

While you can test your soil at any time of the year as long as the ground is not frozen, spring is the best time to conduct a soil test. A soil test will tell you if you need to amend your soil and what type of fertilizer to use. Look at these guides to learn more about soil testing:

If your soil needs to be limed, try postponing it to fall as spring is not the best time to apply this soil amendment. Sulfur should be applied in late spring.

Soil amendments can also help improve the texture of your soil. You can learn more about different soil amendments in these articles: