Academic Standards

Academic success is directly tied to the effort students put into their studies, the degree to which they interact with faculty and peers, and the extent to which they integrate into the campus life. Attendance has a significant impact on performance, and attendance during the first week is integral to success. Regular and punctual attendance in all classes and laboratories is required.

SmartStart. Student absences will be recorded from the first day the class meets, and beginning Fall 2014, students who do not attend the first scheduled class meeting or contact the instructor will be dropped. Students should verify the drop is completed.

For fully online courses, an attendance verification activity is assigned and must be completed by the 3rd class day.

Ongoing Attendance. Course instructors establish policy with regard to attendance in their respective syllabi and may drop a student for excessive absences. Absences may be considered excessive when more than 12.5 percent of the total contact hours of instruction in a semester, including lecture and lab, are missed. For example, in a three-credit-hour lecture class, students may be dropped after more than six contact hours of absences. In a four-credit-hour lecture/lab class, students may be dropped after more than eight contact hours of absences. Absences are counted regardless of whether they occur consecutively. In special programs with additional accreditation or certification standards, additional attendance requirements may be enforced but faculty must clearly explain these policies in their syllabi.

Students who are absent for any reason should always consult with their instructors. Also, both tardiness and early departure from class may be considered forms of absenteeism. In all cases, students will be held responsible for completion of course requirements covered in their absence. Additionally, it is the student’s responsibility to drop a course if s/he can no longer attend according to the instructor’s course policy.

Students who stop attending class for any reason should contact the instructor and Enrollment/ Admissions and Records office to officially withdraw from the class. Students may be required to consult with a faculty member or designee before dropping. Failure to officially withdraw may result in a failing grade for the course. It is the student’s responsibility to withdraw officially from a class by submitting a completed Withdrawal Form to the Enrollment Services/Admissions and Records office.

Students receiving financial aid or any other external financial support should review and understand that dropping or being withdrawn from a course may result in owing funds to the federal government or other support provider and impact eligibility for future awards.

The following table shows the number of missed class meetings that make up an absence rate approximating 12.5%.

Meeting pattern

Absences equal to 12.5%

Regular Semester