Java switch Statement

The switch statement allows us to execute a block of code among many alternatives.


switch (expression) < case value1: // code break; case value2: // code break; . . default: // default statements >

How does the switch-case statement work?

The expression is evaluated once and compared with the values of each case.

Note: The working of the switch-case statement is similar to the Java if. else. if ladder. However, the syntax of the switch statement is cleaner and much easier to read and write.

Example: Java switch Statement

// Java Program to check the size // using the switch. case statement class Main < public static void main(String[] args) < int number = 44; String size; // switch statement to check size switch (number) < case 29: size = "Small"; break; case 42: size = "Medium"; break; // match the value of week case 44: size = "Large"; break; case 48: size = "Extra Large"; break; default: size = "Unknown"; break; >System.out.println("Size: " + size); > >


Size: Large

In the above example, we have used the switch statement to find the size. Here, we have a variable number . The variable is compared with the value of each case statement.

Since the value matches with 44, the code of case 44 is executed.

size = "Large"; break;

Here, the size variable is assigned with the value Large .

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Flowchart of switch Statement

Flowchart of the Java switch statement

break Statement in Java switch. case

Notice that we have been using break in each case block.

 . case 29: size = "Small"; break; . 

The break statement is used to terminate the switch-case statement. If break is not used, all the cases after the matching case are also executed. For example,

class Main < public static void main(String[] args) < int expression = 2; // switch statement to check size switch (expression) < case 1: System.out.println("Case 1"); // matching case case 2: System.out.println("Case 2"); case 3: System.out.println("Case 3"); default: System.out.println("Default case"); >> >


Case 2 Case 3 Default case

In the above example, expression matches with case 2 . Here, we haven't used the break statement after each case.

Hence, all the cases after case 2 are also executed.

This is why the break statement is needed to terminate the switch-case statement after the matching case. To learn more, visit Java break Statement.

default Case in Java switch-case

The switch statement also includes an optional default case. It is executed when the expression doesn't match any of the cases. For example,

class Main < public static void main(String[] args) < int expression = 9; switch(expression) < case 2: System.out.println("Small Size"); break; case 3: System.out.println("Large Size"); break; // default case default: System.out.println("Unknown Size"); >> >


Unknown Size

In the above example, we have created a switch-case statement. Here, the value of expression doesn't match with any of the cases.

Hence, the code inside the default case is executed.

default: System.out.println("Unknown Size);

Note: The Java switch statement only works with:

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